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Giant Cookie | 超大饼干(10寸)
RMB 210 / Piece 块

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For cookie lovers, here is a creative alternative to a birthday cake -- a giant 10-inch (25 cm), weighing approximately 800 grams, chocolate chip cookie with a customized message on top.
专门为特爱饼干的客户设计。过生日一定要有一次是生日饼干!这个超大的巧克力豆饼干(10寸/25cm, 约800g)可以按照您的要求更改贺词。
Cake Base Type: chocolate chip cookie Frosting Type:
Decoration Type: buttercream Sweetness Level(0 lowest-5 highest): 4
Size: 10-inch cookie Suggested Serving Size: 18-24 kids
Storage Rec: Up to one week in room temperature. 保质期1周。
copyright 2010 sweet ever after
沪ICP备 09003579号
sweet ever after ︱tel (21) 6255-5512︱fax (21) 6255-5513
14 YuYao Road Bldg 20 Unit 104.The New Factories,Shanghai,China
中国 上海市 静安区 余姚路 16号 20号楼 104室